This is us.... Me, Tori, Tayla, Gracie, Sophie, Mikayla...

This is Gracie, Me && Sophie ((:

Me, Gracie, Tayla && Sanna ((:

We Trapped Kian In The Door ((: Me, Gracie, Tayla, Sanna && Kian

Me, Gracie, Mikayla, Tori, Tayla && Sanna (Sophie Took The Photo)

This is my whole class on reflection day ill try and name them all, lets see...
Connor, Ollie, Jacob, Sean, Lucy, Me, Lachie, Josie, Sophie N, Brad, Emily, Ness, Jess, Sulzie, Annalise, Scotty, Marcus, Zackary <3, Birdy, Nichola, Brayden, Jorge, Sanna, Gracie && Sophie ((: And thats all folks! ilove all of these people, all the guys and girls, they are my friends and my Brews... They may be slightly mentally challenged, socially chllenged, physically challenged but i love them all the same because we have the best fun in the whole world when we are together ((: Absent from this photo is Kian && Tayla ((: